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Fort Detrick, MD Festivals Arts

Maryland Ensemble Theatre is a non-profit theatre with many different performing groups such as the Fun Company, Comedy Pigs, and mainstage actors. They are the biggest producers of theatre in Frederick and offer a wide variety of shows throughout the year.

The Maryland Shakespeare Festival is dedicated to performing Shakespeare and classic theatre for the public to enrich and foster a love of theatre between its actors and audience.

The Weinberg Center for the Arts is located in what used to be the extravagant Tivoli Theatre, built in 1926. Today the Weinberg is a venue for a variety of music, dance, films, visual art and theatrical performances that has and continues to attract many of the most famous performers.

Frederick Festival of the Arts is a 2-day, juried arts fest held annually in June at the Carroll Creek Linear Park. There are hundreds of professional artists and vendors showcasing a variety of work such as photography, glass, painting, drawing, jewelry, clay, sculpture, and more. There are 2 stages for live entertainment, food, and the chance to interact with local artists.

The Great Frederick Fair is one of the oldest fairs in Maryland, dating back to 1822. The fair is well-known for its carnival rides, live entertainment by some of the biggest stars, tractor pulls, demolition derby, livestock and horse shows, fair food, and arts and crafts.